Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blog 3 ode to a seed

It's amazing the effect that digital media has on the world today.  Before digital media, there were so many mysteries of the world that had theories behind them, but not visual proof of the process that leads to the conclusions of these theories. Now thanks to digital media like youtube, vimeo and many others, people from around the world can see that which is ordinary in an new light, vision, and meaning.  For example the video I have attached to the blog is the process of a ordinary seed growing.  back in the olden times, people typically only saw two stages of a plant growing.  They were the following.  A seed as it is before germination, and the end result of its growth coming out of the ground and producing, fruit, flowers, vegetables and so forth.  In the video we can see what digital media has to offer and show the world.  This video shows what could be seen before digital media and that to me is extraordinary.  To think that we know so much more than the past generations due to the advancement in technology in providing digital media.  Also with such advancements it really does not take much to expand the imagination or observation of the ordinary.  All one needs is some kind of digital device, be patience and observational.  If one has these qualities, he or she could show other through digital media something never seem before.  And if it has been seen before, they  could show it in a way never viewed before.  For example the magician Chris Angel uses digital media to advertise his magic trick.  Some involve some pretty intense stuff and others he simply takes something ordinary and expands the mind of his audience to see it in another way.  One example is when he records himself bending a spoon without apply any force but his mind.  He uses digital media to widen the view of the audience and see what can be done with something as ordinary as a spoon.  There is so much knowledge our there and as technology advances so will digital media.  This in turn will result in a never ending process of knowledge development.

Many time we think we see only the ordinary
but in fact we are missing out on what is extraordinary
Something like seeds, forks, keys or even a spoon
they all have in common something to see if your not a buffoon
To show others what you see
all you need is to show it digitally
get a camera something that's digital
its the truth trust there's no rebuttal
media is advancing will expand your mind
take a chance observe be patient and and you'll find
that knowledge is expanding so don't be left behind

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