Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mack Robins, Pod Cast Blog


Above is the link that should enable you to listen to the interview that I had with my brother. It was way fun to talk to him and I wanted so much to add to the interview. We talked for more then a half hour and it was a little heart braking to have to squeeze it down to just 5 minutes. In the actually interview we talked more about the restoration and how many technological advances happend since that time. We also talked about how my brother gets excited thinking about the day when the prophet will be able to jump in a hover craft and fly all over the world. I guess in reality that day has already come in many senses. My brother also talked about how engineering can be the answer to someones prayers. In the days of Christ, he said, God would touch the eyes of a man to give him better sight, but now we have eye glasses, contacts, and even lazer surgery to improve vision. My brother also said that Heaven Father must be ofended when someone takes all of the credit for an invention, because it really is through the inspiration of God that man has come to understand how the world works and how we can create and use tools to better our lives.

I hope that the sound effects are not too annoying. I thought that they were kind of fun and in some parts I use them as a transition to the next part of the interview. On cool thing to mention here is that most of the sound effects where just engineering sounds that I came up with, like my drill, but when you hear the sound of the roller coaster in the background that is from the time my brother and I made a roller coaster video. We got on The Spider at Lagoon and we filmed ourselves talking about the ride as we rode. It was like something you would see on those roller coaster tv shows with the commentary. I really enjoyed putting that in there.

The last thing that I want to mention is I just think it is funny how my brother will watch all sorts of TV shows about engineering, such as Myth Busters, American Chopper, Prototype This, Junk Yard Wars, and many others. On these shows they do crazy things like make a car that can walk, and always afterwards my brother would explain how he would have done it. I always liked imagining what my brother would create and build and I look forward to honoring him and his works of art for the rest of my life.

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