I don't know if I we even have to do these blog posts! The prompt isn't up, but it is on the syllabus. And no one else has posted. But maybe I am just better than you. In fact, that is probably it. Just in case you haven't seen it, this be the prompt:
Describe the ways that your final project reflects your goals as a Mormon Artist. What has the collaborative process has taught you about your own need for growth in the BYU film program?
My final project (a documentary about a really nice guy done with the Matthews Dartnell and Nicholas!) reflects my goals as an artist because it attempts to bring the viewer to understand a person and a lifestyle they might otherwise sniff at. Our subject was and is a smart, well-informed individual who has gone through some serious trials, decided to take action instead of dwelling on his misfortune, and who is currently studying to help others who share his affliction. I can't go into too much detail, because you rascals will want to see it for yourselves! Hilarious. In regards to my artistic goals, I want to make stuff/things that will inform and better the audience as well as myself. Sometimes that comes through the presentation of difficult but valuable truths and real-life experiences. Other times it can come through jokes about farts. At least, I think so. Our documentary will have at least one of those things.
I haven't taken 105/185 yet, so the Lovely and Daring Matts did the heavy lifting for the technical side of things. Literally. Because that equipment is heavy. I am an idiot. I worked on a large portion of our treatment and acted as the interviewer, so I'm doing my part, but recognizing how useless I am when it comes to using my body for physically taxing tasks only pushes me farther down the path of Critical Studies. Which is fine! I want to focus on that. Still, I hope to become a little more helpful as my time in the program passes. So I can help on movies sometimes. I like movies.
I am not sure if I even had to do this. But it will act as my last blog post for 112. Maybe this will look really dumb and also stupid.
Jacob, I really look up to you right now. I don't think you should worry about looking stupid or dumb. You should look up those words in the dictionary, they're pretty strong words that in no way describe you. Maybe you are better than all of us for posting your blog but you better to be better than all of us? Anyways, your last blog post of the year was a great help in reminding me about posting my last blog post. You're a keen one.